
Welcome to breast2chest, a blog platform I’m using to share stories from my transition process! My name is Eisa and I’m a non-binary, queer individual, currently transitioning to feel more genuine in my body. I hail from San Diego, California and study at Stanford University. I’m also an Iraqi-American, mixed-race, temporarily able-bodied, thin, affluent, college student and all of these identities intersect with my queer identity to shape the way I move through the world.

My transition officially began when I started binding my chest in December of 2015, although I feel I’ve been transitioning my whole life. In college I’ve met folx who are similar to me, and hearing their stories has helped me clarify my own thoughts and feelings. Hopefully, by sharing my experiences, I can contribute to the visibility of non-binary, queer and trans identities!

This blog is also for beginners (like me)! I want this to be a space where cis/straight allies, lesbian, gay, bi folks, and trans folks can all ask questions and be respectfully curious. I’m no expert, I only want to share some stories, and the ideas I share are relative to my experiences and identities.